Frequently Asked Questions
Human Resources
Health and Dental Insurance
What health and dental benefits do I have?
Health care coverage is provided through Harvard Pilgrim Health Care. Employees may enroll in the high-deductible Saver Plan with a health savings account, the PPO 250 Plan or the PPO 500 Plan. Dental benefits are provided through Delta Dental of Rhode Island. Vision benefits are administered through Delta Dental's DeltaVision alliance, which allows employees to enjoy the network and benefits of VSP with the convenience of administration by Delta Dental. For a complete list of coverage, refer to your summary plan descriptions.
When is open enrollment for benefits?
Open enrollment is generally the first two weeks of November for a Jan. 1 effective date.
When can I add or drop coverage?
Generally, you can only add or drop health, dental and/or vision insurance coverage during the open enrollment period, which is usually the beginning of November for a Jan. 1 effective date. However, if a change in your or your spouse's employment or a change of family status (marriage, divorce, birth, adoption or death) occurs, coverage may be added or dropped during the plan year provided the request is made within 30 days of the change and provided we receive the appropriate paperwork from you.
Until what age are my dependents covered?
For health, dental and vision insurance, dependent children may be covered until the end of the month they turn age 26.
Is my doctor/dentist participating in our plans?
You can check if your doctor and/or dentist is participating in our plans by visiting and/or Since doctors may change participation, it is also a good idea to ask the office when scheduling your appointment if they participate in your health care or dental plan.
How do I add a new baby to my health insurance plan?
To add a new baby, call or stop by the Office of Human Resources within 30 days after the birth of your child to request and complete the appropriate paperwork. You will also need to present your child's birth certificate and have their social security number.
Can I add my new spouse to my insurance plan(s)?
Yes, as a newly married employee, you may add your spouse to the University's health, dental and/or vision plans provided you notify the Office of Human Resources within 30 days of the date of marriage, provide a copy of the certified marriage certificate and complete new enrollment forms.
I'm leaving the University. When does my insurance end?
For employees leaving the University, health care coverage ends the last day of the month in which you last worked. Continuation coverage, at your cost for up to a period of 18 months, may be available under the COBRA law.
Life Insurance
How much life insurance coverage do I have?
For non-probationary employees working a minimum of 30 hours per week, the University provides life insurance in the amount of $50,000. The benefit is reduced to 65% at age 65 and 50% at age 70.
Can I increase the amount of my life insurance coverage?
Yes. When you are first eligible for life insurance, you can elect to purchase additional coverage equal to another one, two, three or four times salary. The cost of this optional life insurance is determined according to your age and is paid through payroll deduction. If you decline optional life insurance when first eligible, you can apply to purchase it at a later date by completing an evidence of insurability form.
Can I change my beneficiary at any time?
Yes, you may change your life insurance beneficiary at any time by completing a change of beneficiary form.
Who is eligible to participate in the retirement plan?
Employees must work 1,000 hours per year to be eligible to participate in the University's retirement plan. Students are not eligible to participate.
When do I become eligible to participate?
If you are an eligible employee, you may participate on the first day of the month after you fulfill the following requirements:
- You complete one year of service at the University, working at least 1,000 hours, without a break in service. One full year of service working at least 1,000 hours with any institution of higher education immediately prior to commencement of employment at 亚洲博彩平台排名 will be counted for satisfying this requirement.
- You attain age 21.
TIAA will notify you when you have completed the requirements needed to participate in the plan.
How much does the University contribute on my behalf?
Currently, the University contributes 7% of base compensation with an additional 1% matching contribution.
Do I have to contribute?
You do not have to contribute to the University's retirement plan to receive the discretionary 7% contribution. However, a minimum 1% employee contribution is recommended to receive a matching 1% from the University (for a total of 8% from the University). Employee contributions to a supplemental retirement annuity are highly encouraged, but completely voluntary.
If I make contributions, can I change the amount I contribute?
You may change your contribution amount by logging into your account at To help simplify the management of your account, you can go to the same place to make changes to your contribution and investment options. Please note that the IRS limits the amount an individual can contribute per year. For 2024, the maximum deferral amount for individuals under age 50 is $23,000. Individuals over the age of 50 can contribute an additional $7,500. Call the Office of Human Resources at (401) 341-2332 for more information on these limits.
Can I change which funds my money is invested in?
You may change the allocation of "future" money going into your account and/or you may transfer money already invested. Transfers may be done directly with TIAA by meeting with the company representative, over the phone or online.
What happens to my account if I leave the University and do not retire?
If you decide to leave the University, you have several options:
- You may leave the money invested with TIAA.
- You may withdraw your money (subject to taxes and a 10 percent penalty if before age 59.5).
- You may rollover your account balance into another qualified plan or IRA.
Dependent Care and Medical Reimbursement Accounts
What is the dependent care reimbursement plan?
The dependent care reimbursement plan is a flexible spending account that allows you to put aside pre-tax dollars for qualified expenses related to the care of your children age 12 and under and/or elderly or incapacitated dependents (such as custodial care for an elder). The plan allows you to receive payments on a tax-favored basis as you incur the expense rather than waiting each year until tax filing. The IRS limits the amount you can have withheld from your pay each year and lists "eligible expenses" that qualify for reimbursement. It is extremely important to estimate your plan year expenses carefully because of two other IRS rules: Your election is irrevocable for the plan year unless a change of status occurs and any money remaining in your account at the end of the plan year will be forfeited. Call the Office of Human Resources at (401) 341-2332 for a summary plan description.
What is the medical care reimbursement plan?
The medical care reimbursement plan is a flexible spending account that allows you to put aside pre-tax dollars for "eligible" medical expenses. To be eligible for reimbursement, the medical expense must be incurred by you or an eligible dependent during the plan year, may not be reimbursable by any insurance or other source and constitute a deductible medical expense as defined by the IRS. Expenses such as deductibles, office visit copayments, prescription copayments, orthodontics and eyeglasses are eligible for reimbursement. The minimum amount you can have taken out of your pay (pre-tax) is $260 for the plan year, while the maximum amount is determined each year by the IRS. It is extremely important to estimate your plan year expenses carefully because the IRS imposes two rules. First, your election is irrevocable for the plan year unless a change of status occurs. Second, if you have money remaining in your account at the end of the plan year, only up to $100 can be rolled over provided you re-enroll. Call Benefit Strategies or the Office of Human Resources at (401) 341-2332 for a summary plan description.
How do I get reimbursed?
You will receive a debit card to use and should set up an account at If you pay with cash and/or need to provide Voya/Benefit Strategies with a receipt, you can fax it to (603) 647-4668 or upload it online at or through their mobile application. For questions or assistance, call Voya/Benefit Strategies at (888) 401-3539.
Tuition Benefits and Tuition Exchange
Can I take courses at the University?
If you are a non-probationary full- or part-time employee who works at least 1,000 hours per calendar year, you may be eligible for tuition benefits at 亚洲博彩平台排名. The benefit does not apply to special programs, institutes, individual instruction, directed or independent study, dual-degree programs at partner institutions, study abroad (except for dependents for a limited selection of programs at international institutions that have a formal exchange agreement with 亚洲博彩平台排名), MFA and doctoral courses and other courses offered outside the University catalog.
You may take up to two courses as a non-matriculated student. To receive tuition benefits for more than two courses, you must be formally accepted into a degree program and fully matriculated. For the benefit to continue, you must remain in good academic standing, as defined in the University catalog, and complete all prior University courses for which you are registered. You may receive tuition benefits for two courses during the fall and spring semesters and two courses during the summer. You must complete a tuition benefit form and pay the course registration fee (and any other applicable fees) each semester. You are responsible for any fees and for your own books.
Can I take courses at another university?
No. Courses at other universities are not covered through our tuition benefit policy.
Can my child or spouse take courses at the University?
Full- and part-time employees who work at least 1,000 hours per calendar year and who have completed two years of continuous service with the University are eligible for 50% undergraduate tuition benefits for their dependents. After three years, the benefit increases to 100%.
Dependent children and spouses must apply to the University, be academically qualified, meet all admissions standards, be accepted and fully matriculated. Once enrolled, the student must remain in good academic standing. The benefit is limited to two dependents at a time. Students are allowed up to five 3- or 4-credit courses and two 1-credit courses each semester and 6 credits each summer session. Dependents must complete a tuition benefit form prior to registering for their classes and pay for any fees, books and room and board charges, if applicable.
Can my child attend another institution and receive tuition benefits?
Through the Tuition Exchange program, it is possible for a dependent child to receive a full scholarship at another participating institution. If you have three years of full-time service with the University, you can apply to send your dependent child to another participating college/university. Each college/university has its own selection/awarding criteria, so this is not a guaranteed benefit. For better acceptance possibilities, it is suggested that the student apply to several Tuition Exchange institutions.
Family and Medical Leave
I'm expecting a baby. How much leave time am I entitled to?
Staff: Any staff employee that has been employed with Salve for at least twelve (12) months and has worked at least 1,250 hours during the 12-month period prior to the beginning of parental leave, is eligible for 6 weeks of paid parental leave. Paid Parental Leave will run concurrently with Family and Medical Leave (FMLA), if the employee meets the eligibility requirements of the FMLA. Staff eligible for FMLA, may request up to an additional 7 weeks off for a maximum total of 13 weeks off for the birth of a child (please see Parental Leave and FMLA Policies). In the event that both parents are employed by the University, both may be eligible for the parental leave benefit. Under Paid Parental Leave, all eligible staff must complete the Request for Parental Leave Form which can be found in the HR Forms and Requests section of the HR Campus site.
Faculty: If a faculty member is eligible for Family and Medical Leave (has been employed with Salve for at least twelve (12) months and has worked at least 1,250 hours during the 12-month period prior to the beginning of parental leave), they may take up to 13 weeks of paid time off for the birth of their child. Faculty should submit, in advance, a written email request to their department chair, copy to the Office of Human Resources, requesting the reason for the leave, anticipated start date for the leave and number of weeks requested.
My wife is expecting a baby. Am I entitled to family leave?
Staff: Any staff employee that has been employed with Salve for at least twelve (12) months and has worked at least 1,250 hours during the 12-month period prior to the beginning of parental leave, is eligible for 6 weeks of paid parental leave. Paid Parental Leave will run concurrently with Family and Medical Leave (FMLA), if the employee meets the eligibility requirements of the FMLA. Staff eligible for FMLA, may request up to an additional 7 weeks off for a maximum total of 13 weeks off for the birth of a child (please see Parental Leave and FMLA Policies). In the event that both parents are employed by the University, both may be eligible for the parental leave benefit. Under Paid Parental Leave, all eligible staff must complete the Request for Parental Leave Form which can be found in the HR Forms and Requests section of the HR Campus site.
Faculty: If a faculty member is eligible for Family and Medical Leave (has been employed with Salve for at least twelve (12) months and has worked at least 1,250 hours during the 12-month period prior to the beginning of parental leave), they may take up to 13 weeks of paid time off for the birth of their child. Faculty should submit, in advance, a written email request to their department chair, copy to the Office of Human Resources, requesting the reason for the leave, anticipated start date for the leave and number of weeks requested.
Leave Time and Time Off
How many sick, vacation and personal days do I receive?
Sick: Non-probationary, full-time staff members are allowed one sick day for each month of service. Employees who work during the academic year but not in the summer are allowed sick time at the same accrual rate, but only for actual months worked. Non-probationary, part-time staff working at least 20 hours but less than 35 hours per week are allowed prorated sick days. Sick hours are accrued and credited biweekly. Non-probationary other part-time employees working less than 20 hours per week including staff, adjunct faculty, coaches, and non-federal work study students will receive a lump sum of 40 hours available July 1 of the fiscal year.
Vacation: Vacation time is determined by an employee’s anniversary date, service years, and employment classification. Non-probationary, full-time non-academic year staff receive the following (based on years of service): Less than five years - 15 vacation days per year, five or more years - 20 vacation days per year.
Vacation time is accrued and credited biweekly. Non-probationary, part-time staff members who work at least 20 hours per week and those who work less than five days per week receive prorated vacation time. Staff members who are considered "academic employees" with schedules that correspond with the school calendar (i.e. no work during spring or intersession break) do not accrue vacation days.
Eligible employees may accrue up to a maximum amount of one year's worth of accruals. Once the maximum accrual limit is reached, employees must use vacation time in order to continue accruing.
Personal: Non-probationary staff receive the following personal days each fiscal year based on years of service:
- Less than 20 years of service - 2 personal days
- More than 20 years of service - 4 personal days
These days may not accumulate from one fiscal year to the next.
How do I request sick, vacation or personal leave?
Time off should be requested in advance and submitted to your supervisor in writing or via email.
Do I get paid leave for a death in my family?
In the event of the death of an immediate family member, employees are permitted up to five workdays off with pay per occurrence. The definition, here, of immediate family member includes spouse, domestic partner, children, parents, and siblings, as well as step relationships in these categories. A maximum of three workdays off with pay is allowed in the event of the death of a parent-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, grandparent, grandchild, guardian, or other family member of the same household. One day is allowed to attend the funeral of another close relative. Staff are expected to arrange bereavement leave directly with supervisors and may, with permission, augment it with accrued vacation or personal days. Bereavement time must be recorded on the employee’s timecard.
Can I use my sick time to care for a child, spouse or parent?
Eligible employees are only allowed to utilize earned leave time. The benefit of paid sick and safe leave is provided to prevent a financial loss to the employee who is occasionally absent due to the following reasons:
- The employee’s or family member’s mental or physical illness, injury, or health condition, or need for preventive medical care
- The closure of the employee’s workplace or a child’s school or place of care due to a public health emergency
- Reasons relating to domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking
Is direct deposit available through the University?
Yes. If interested, you may complete an employee authorization for new direct deposit form and return it to the Payroll Office.
I recently changed my address. Should I notify my insurance carriers?
For a change of address, please email HR will inform the applicable insurance carriers, however, you will need to notify TIAA.